
"Symphony of 11:03pm"

House thumps my speakers.
Police floor it just outside.
Sirens blare and
Highbeams slice the night air.

Silhouettes of leaves, twigs, and habitats for some ridiculously cute wildlife caress my window.
Stroking the pane's frame like the stick...thingy used on violins.

Each car passing develops in sound.
The familiar "vvVROOM!"
Grows and fades on the
Asphalt percussion section.

My mind's tuxedo professionalizes my pen
Waving to and fro.
Conducting the wind section of the back of my head.


  1. Nice blog! What a beautiful poetic symphony. . . the symphony of the inner city at night. The harmony is so familiar to me. Very good writing here. . . I especially like how you described the bush or trees brushing against the window. Very well done! Thanks for sharing your creative symphony with us. Keep up the excellence! Peace, Light and Love to you and yours. . . CordieB.

  2. Your "tuxedoed mind" has caught my attention - thanks for the comment on my blog and the invite to check out yours. I shall reurn!

